The vegetable garden

The walled vegetable garden is set much lower(about 5 meters) than the garden. This is a typical example of “hortus conclusus.” This is a structure created in the Middle Ages and found especially in the monasteries. It follows the prescriptions of the Rule of San Benedetto of Norcia, dictated by San Benedetto in 534 AD. It is an area with a part dedicated to each of vegetable gardens (horti), orchards (Pomaria), gardens with trees (viridaria) and finally medicinal herbs (herbaria).

Within the boundaries of this area, there are also vineyards. Some vineyards include pergolas, fruit trees, and a small fish pond.

A series of water channels with a sink runs at the edge of the vegetable garden and allows irrigation.

Further downhill from the vegetable garden, there is a triangular field dominated by a large oak at its apex. This marks the extreme outer boundary of the property. Until a few years ago this area was an apple orchard. Because of the progressive aging of plants, fruit plants have been reintroduced to restore the traditional “prà giardin” characteristic of this type of property.

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